Adopt, donate, foster!

Whenever you donate, no matter how small your gift may be, you help a dog in need. Whether you want to donate money, time, or items ― we would be more than happy to hear from you.

Donate Money

Since 2008, CARF has been able to make a difference in the lives of thousands of dogs in Curaçao. Sadly, a lot of animals still remain in terrible conditions waiting for a second chance at a happy life. We can’t help them without financial help from our supporters.  Make a donation to CARF today and help make a difference. On behalf of all the animals in need: THANK YOU!

Monetary donations can be made through PayPal (scroll down) or through the following accounts:

  • Tikkie (valid till October 16th, 2022)
  • Maduro & Curiel’s Bank: 21199501. Address: Beshiweg #1 (SWIFT/BIC Code = MCBKCWCU)
  • Banco di Caribe: 301647 500 001 100 01. Address: Beshiweg #1 (SWIFT/BIC Code = BDCCCWCU)
  • PayPal:
  • We also have Dutch, U.S., and Canadian bank accounts, please contact

All donations, no matter how small, are very much appreciated and needed. If you can, please consider making an automatic monthly donation to CARF Curaçao to show your support all year long.

Make a one-time donation:

Make a monthly recurring donation:

Monthly Donation Amount

Donating Your Time or Useful Items

Would you like to help CARF, but don’t have the cash to spare? No problem! If you can’t donate money, you might be able to volunteer your time or donate useful items such as;

  • Used Bath Towels
  • Bedspreads
  • Bleach
  • Paper towels
  • Garbage bags
  • Nexgard (Spectra)
  • Heartgard
  • Milbactor / Drontal
  • Doxycycline
  • Frontline Spray
  • Dogfood (preferably Purina® Pro Plan®, which is for sale at Claus Clinic a.o.)
  • Puppy Kibble
  • KD Hill’s special diet
  • AD Hill’s special diet

Please e-mail us at for more info or to set up a time and date to hand over your donations to us.

Thanks in advance!