Please, please help us cover this bill for Nexgard Spectra. Ticks, fleas and heartworms are a big issue in the islands and keeping our rescues healthy and protected from parasites is a huge monthly expense. If you are able to donate, even a small amount, towards this month’s invoice we would be so…


May be an image of text that says "AUSCLINIC trevercion first Anasaweg 7 Curacao (+5999) 4651515 Vidanova bank (former SFT) Account number 3001 156836 Mevr. Sheila CARF Beshiweg 1 Willemstad FACTUUR factuurdatum 12-3-21 factuurnummer S-2021-1272 datum beschrijving Algemeen 12-3-21 aantal prijs Nexgard Spectra 15-30KG 20 dozen a3 stuks bedrag btw AN 1.637,70 btw AN G 1.637,70 van ANG 1.545,00 ANG 92,70 6% totaal inc btw AN G 1.637,70 te betalen bedrag AN G 1.637,70"

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