
About CARF Curaçao

Founded in 2008, CARF is the oldest hands-on no-kill (stray) rescue organisation on the island of Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean. CARF is a non profit rescue that relies solely on volunteers and donations.

Friends ― we need your help, or more specifically, Winston needs your help. Remember the b…

Friends ― we need your help, or more specifically, Winston needs your help. Remember the beautiful shepherd breed whom we rescued? Well, his vet bill has gotten pretty high, and as it turns out, he doesn't have any savings! Nor does he have a rainy day fund or family to ask for help… 😳

So, on behalf of Winston, we want to ask you for donations. Read more »

By |2021-06-29T17:25:22+00:00June 29th, 2021|Posts|0 Comments

Onze Bubba is op de 13e verjaardag van CARF van straat gehaald. Bubba is een lieve hond va…

Onze Bubba is op de 13e verjaardag van CARF van straat gehaald. Bubba is een lieve hond van zo’n 6.5 jaar oud. Hij luistert al behoorlijk goed en is erg sociaal naar mensen en andere honden. De eerste dagen in een nieuwe situatie zal Bubba mogelijk de kat uit de boom kijken, maar als hij hij ervaart…


May be an image of one or more people, dog and text that says "CARFIE OF THE WEEK: Bubba CARF Adopt me! carf.adoption"

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By |2021-06-19T08:00:11+00:00June 19th, 2021|Posts|0 Comments

Meneer Winston heeft zijn verband gedeeltelijk vermield dus mocht hij vanochtend weer even…

Meneer Winston heeft zijn verband gedeeltelijk vermield dus mocht hij vanochtend weer even langs de kliniek voor een nieuwe 🙈
Een nóg grotere kap om en meer speeltjes zijn ingezet om hem bezig te houden !
#neveradulmoment #fingerscrossed #mylifewithamalinois #lordhelpus 🙏
Winston needs your…

May be an image of dogNo photo description available.May be an image of dog and text that says "CARF"May be an image of dogMay be an image of dog and text that says "CARF"

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By |2021-06-11T18:23:07+00:00June 11th, 2021|Posts|0 Comments

Winston needs your help….again Who remembers Winston? We rescued him back in April after …

Winston needs your help….again 🙌 Who remembers Winston? We rescued him back in April after one of our volunteers happened to spot him on the side of the road. After a rough start ―he wouldn’t eat or engage much with our volunteers― this handsome boy has gained weight, strength, and confidence over… More

May be an image of dog and text that says "CARF"May be an image of 3 people and dogMay be an image of 2 people, dog, big cat and text that says "E CARF"May be an image of dog and text that says "CARF"

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By |2021-06-10T14:42:15+00:00June 10th, 2021|Posts|0 Comments
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